Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Loading Data into Oracle database

There are many situation, where the data from external sources(like text, csv, JSON, XML etc.,) needs to be loaded into database.This can be achieved by many ways. Though there are many ways, each option is suited for particular scenarios only. This is mainly due to the difference in the source data and target data structures.
For eg, we might need different mechanism to read text file vs XML files. The mechanism needs to be decided depending on the nature/type of source data.

Given below the possible ways to load data into oracle database.
  1. Database Client Tools (like SQL developer, TOAD etc., support loading data from files into tables)
  2.  Program/Script ( Using any "Programming language" (Like Java etc.,)  or "Scripting Language" (Like shell script, python etc.,))
  3. SQL Loader (Oracle provided utility )
  4. External Table ( Oracle provided option to read data from external files as if they present in table)
  5. PLSQL Program ( Oracle supplied UTL_FILE package to do file handling operations like read, write, copy and remove operations on operating system files)
  6. ETL Tools ( Lot of ETL tools are available to map, extract and load the data from external files into oracle database)

Of all the options given above, option 3,4 & 5 are oracle provided mechanism to load data into oracle database.

Here is a course on Udemy to teach about oracle supplied options to load the data from external source into oracle database.

This course covers in detail about SQL Loader, UTL_FILE & External table concepts with example.

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I am Siva Jeevan.LK [LEARN | CODE | TRAIN | SHARE] Passionate to answer oracle SQL & PLSQL related questions. In my day to day job, I work with technologies including Oracle, Java, Python, MongoDB, talend and UNIX. I am passionate about "DATA", “SQL” , coding & training. In my spare time, I teach database technologies , ETL etc. I am very glad that you are reading my Profile, and I value your time as well as mine. Looking forward to see you in my videos at Siva Academy Passionate to answer oracle SQL & PLSQL related questions. You can contact me via My youtube channel (Siva Academy) or drop an email at Happy to Learn & Help :-)

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